Friday, March 28, 2014

Eastward 2014

I left Slab City on March 4th. Here are a few last photos:

C.B. Linda's place with her madness-inducing generator.

Another spectacular sunset seen from the Range.

A few more portraits:

Solar Mike

Cornelius & C.J.

Randall & his motorcycle with the Lorax mural.

John Jackson


Some artifacts from the Burners

And a parting shot of Leonard Knight's home.

On the way to Corrales I crossed the Salt river canyon. Yowza!

Stopped for a visit with Marsha and Debby in Corrales.

The worm moon on an Arkansan late winter evening.

Then on to Ohio. Oh yeah, via Maysville, KY.

Then into southern Ohio. Portsmouth, OH, is at the confluence of 
the Ohio and Scioto rivers. There are what must be miles of
flood walls covered with large scale murals–amazingly untagged– 
that tell the history of Portsmouth. Here are three: 

Portsmouth is an old city, very clean.

Lake Erie near Toledo:

Back to Silver Spring. The third full day of Spring.
California dreamin'.