Monday, September 30, 2013

Adrift in the Northwest

Celebrate Eugene is an annual street festival in , you guessed it, Eugene. 
The Floydian Slips are a Pink Floyd tribute band. They put on a great show.

Photobombed at Celebrate Eugene.

I spent a few days at Hult Reservoir, BLM land northwest of Eugene 
and hung out with some Occupy activists there. Yes,
the Occupy movement is alive in Eugene. Power to the 99%!

A stunningly obvious sign in Oakridge, OR in the western Cascades.

New pictures from Olympia.

I spent the better part of a day at Ballard Locks in Seattle. 
I had only planned to spend an hour or so but the process 
and the sociology were so hypnotizing I kept going back and putting 
more money in the meter. All kinds of boats pass through the locks 
from little sailboats to giant yachts. and even one tall-masted ship.

Two views of the Seattle skyline from Harbor Ave. in West Seattle.