Monday, August 19, 2013

Crater Lake, California and the Oregon Coast

Crater Lake sunset

and moonrise.

Mt. Shasta, 100 miles away.

I visited my friend Peter in West Haven. 
He gets his drinking water from a nearby spring.

Did some boondocking in the Shasta Trinity National Forest

Then there was this:

Spent a couple of days in Sebastopol. This artist has a real presence in town. 

Naked ladies. They were everywhere.

This church is in Bodega, where The Birds was filmed.
Those are pelicans and they'll peck the hell out of you.

It was so foggy at Point Reyes you couldn't see 
more than a couple hundred feet.

This must be the end.
It says so right there on the sign.

The lighthouse at Point Arena is framed by some unusual geology.


This is a great campground. Primitive and close to the 
highway, it is also right next to the ocean. You can hear the surf 
at all times. The air was cool. I kept the windows open.

Coastal creature.

At Cape Blanco, the wind blows all the time. These guys were 
flying radio-controlled gliders. They were accelerating 
on the updrafts along the cliffs. They said some people have gotten 
these things up to speeds of 450 mph. There's a very nice 
state park campground there. Close to the lighthouse and beach.

I went a little crazy taking pictures of the Cape Blanco light house.
It really looked different each time I walked up there.

This guy was wearing the authentic outfit of the 
lighthouse keeper from a hundred years ago.

More spirals. Like a chambered nautilus. 

And giant prisms.

and, of course, this:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

July 2013


In case you didn’t know this, at age 62 you can get a 
National Parks pass for $10 that’s good for the rest of your life. 
That gets you and three other people into any National Park, 
Monument, Recreation area etc., plus half-price on 
any federal lands campground. For the rest of your life. 
I got mine at Yellowstone.

Mammoth Hot Springs

Bear Creek campground.

Mineral hot springs.

The Gallatin mountain range.

The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.


In Montana the bighorns politely cross the road at 
the road sign on their way to the espresso joint.

Grand Coulee Dam.

The northern Cascades.

Very Twin Peaks.

A hike at Mt. Ranier NP.

Bear grass in bloom.

Mt. Ranier.

The beginning of the White River.

Synchronized swimming in Bend.